Weekly Spanish language information and entertainment show, hosted by Mariel Fiori, managing editor of “La Voz,” the award-winning, free Spanish language magazine. Listen every week for an hour of interviews, music, and…
Day: January 3, 2022
COVID Vaccination for Children Recommended by Garnet Health
Pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations in New York have increased nearly 200% since November 1. Garnet Health strongly encourages all parents and guardians of children ages five and older to get them vaccinated as…
Happy New Year! Tonight on The Local Edition 1/3/22 at 6:30 p.m. Sullivan County Government Update & “Sullivan County Legislature – ‘Let’s end the CHAOS’-”
Happy New Year! Tonight on The Local Edition 1/3/22 at 6:30 p.m. -Sullivan County Government Update -Catherine Scott “Sullivan County Legislature – ‘Let’s end the CHAOS’-” All this and more…