
President Biden will deliver the State of the Union address to a joint meeting of Congress at 9 PM ET on Tuesday, February 7. 

WJFF Radio Catskill will provide live, anchored Special Coverage of the president’s address and the anticipated Republican Party response from NPR’s live coverage hosted by NPR’s Ari Shapiro. 




El presidente Biden pronunciará el discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión en una reunión conjunta del Congreso a las 9 p. m. ET el martes 7 de febrero.


WJFF Radio Catskill brindará una cobertura especial anclada en vivo del discurso del presidente y la respuesta anticipada del Partido Republicano de la cobertura en vivo de NPR presentada por A Martinez with NPR White House Correspondent Franco Ordoñez, International Correspondent Eyder Peralta, Congressional Correspondent Claudia Grisales and also Sergio Martínez-Beltrán, Texas Capitol Reporter for The Texas Newsroom. 

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