WJFF’s Community Advisory Board recently released the following statement in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the unrest that has followed:
CAB Statement on Police Brutality and Systemic Racism:
The WJFF Radio Catskill Community Advisory Board (CAB) in our capacity as advocates of the diverse communities within our station’s listening area and in conformance with the station’s overall mission of promoting understanding among people of diverse social and cultural backgrounds, condemn the racially motivated murders of Black people and other People of Color. We express our support for dismantling institutional and systemic racism that has been deeply rooted across the country for hundreds of years. As a coalition of individuals who have experienced privilege and/or discrimination, we are committed to supporting human rights and equal justice for all.
WJFF has historically been a predominately white, middle class station in staff and volunteer representation. The CAB serves as the unique eyes and ears of the station’s Board of Trustees, and we seek input on what issues exist in the community, its inherent strengths, as well as how it can be improved by enhancing the voices of those rarely heard and typically forgotten.
Email cab@wjffradio.org to get involved.