James B. Huntington has the latest unemployment numbers for the listening area and explains not only are way more people out of work now versus this time last year, but there are…
Listen: DEC on deer virus
Last month, people started finding dead white-tailed deer in the Mid Hudson Valley. Now, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is testing remains of deer from Orange, Ulster, and Dutchess…
Listen: How the pandemic is affecting children & families: Dr. Vergenia Simpkins, Hudson River Healthcare
(SEPT 21) During the COVID-19 pandemic, low-income families with children have faced reduced work hours, lower household incomes, and food insecurity. Dr. Vergenia Simpkins of Hudson River Healthcare in Monticello talks about…
Listen: Check-in with Sullivan County Gov Sustainability Coordinator
(SEPT 21) It’s our weekly check-in with the Sullivan County Government. This time we’re talking to Heather Brown, Sustainability Coordinator. She discusses how her office has been doing during COVID and fills…
Listen: Mental Health Matters: Dr. Karla Vermeulen on the stress of the pandemic
(SEPT. 21) Many psychologists are calling the anxiety, stress, and sadness of the COVID-19 pandemic a collective grief. Dr. Karla Vermeulen, Deputy Director of the Institute for Disaster Mental Health at SUNY…
Listen: The Monologue Show (from Hell)
Who needs more Hell in 2020? Theater kids! At least, that’s what they’re getting, because the Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop is putting on a virtual production of “The Monologue Show (From Hell),”…
Listen: Liberty HS Sports
This week, we learned that high school sports in Sullivan County (and most of NY State) won’t be happening until at least the winter, and that fall sports will take place in…
Listen: Milford Protests – Mayor Sean Strub
President Trump’s reelection campaign made a stop in the Radio Catskill listening area Thursday when Eric Trump met local officials, visited local businesses, and held an event at the Pike County campaign…
Public Assistance Forms Available from Sullivan County Family Services
Public Assistance applicants can use the E-2921 application form at mybenefits.ny.gov, or applicants can also apply by filing a paper version of the 2921 application and mailing it in to the Sullivan…