There have been 20 straight weeks of jobless claims numbering more than a million, there’s no agreement yet on extending those benefits, no legislation yet for the next round of COVID relief,…
Listen: Jason Tougaw, host of The Mixtape on WJFF on school openings
Jason Tougaw, host of The Mixtape on WJFF, was originally asked to phone in to talk about his show during the pledge drive. Then, Jason Dole sprung a question about teaching during…
Listen: Art in the Park festival director Patricio Robayo
Patricio Robayo has been planning “Art In The Park” with the Town of Fallsburg for so long, he originally thought the artists would actually get to do their thing in Morningside Park….
Listen: Local parent Beth Deyermond on school openings
Local parent Beth Deyermond plans on letting her children return to in-person classes at Eldred School District. Eldred plans on having students attend on alternating weeks, with those students at home following…
Listen: Local parent Cassandra Egan on school openings
Governor Andrew Cuomo gave NY schools the green light to reopen in a few weeks. We spoke with Cassandra Egan, a local parent who will not be sending has two young children…
WJFF’s Fabulous Online Auction is CLOSED! Thank You for your support!
There’s something for everyone here – artwork, restaurants, services and much much more! Welcome to WJFF’s Fabulous Online Auction! We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary for the station and will sadly miss…
Listen: Doug Bill of WJFF’s Bodhi Talk
Doug Bill of WJFF’s Bodhi Talk and the Honesdale Wellness Center gets “back to basics” in this week’s conversation, saying that when the times are as unsettling and un-centering as these are,…
Listen: Rich Askey, president of The Pennsylvania State Education Association
The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) represents 180,000 education professionals, teachers, and support staff. The PSEA’s president Rich Askey testified before the Pennsylvania House Education Committee this week said as PA schools…
Listen: Weekly News Roundup with Owen Walsh from the River Reporter
Every Wednesday we check in with Owen Walsh of the River Reporter for a Weekly News Roundup. Weird as it may sound, this week also had a Wednesday, so we called Owen…