Event Type Theater

Current Month


08janAll Day19febSubmissions for Forestburgh Playhouse Festival

07febAll Day23Murder Cafe’s 27th Annual Valentine’s-Themed Murder Mystery Dinner

13feb6:00 pm8:00 pmINVOKE YOUR CLOWN Workshop

21feb6:00 pmLiberty Performing Arts to present ‘Clue’

22feb(feb 22)2:00 pm09mar(mar 9)4:00 pmSongs and Stories on Stage

22feb6:00 pmLiberty Performing Arts to present ‘Clue’


22feb(feb 22)2:00 pm09mar(mar 9)4:00 pmSongs and Stories on Stage

02mar3:00 pmKindred Spirits Presents: Tesla Quartet

06mar6:00 pm8:00 pmSTAGE FIGHTING Workshop

08mar2:00 pmDVAA 2025 Salon Series - "The Guest” with Clown Daddy

09mar4:00 pmOne Earth So Green and Round (children's puppet show)

20mar6:00 pm8:00 pmPLAYWRIGHTING Workshop

27mar6:00 pm8:00 pmDEVISING PHYSICAL THEATRE Workshop