The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that work to remove the Skinners Falls Bridge will begin on February 26, 2025. The bridge removal is necessary due to the structure’s critical condition, according to an October 2024 inspection.
The bridge, which connects Pennsylvania and New York, has been deemed a safety hazard due to its failing substructure and superstructure, according to PennDOT. A January 2025 inspection revealed further deterioration, with the New York abutment and upstream truss bearing areas actively moving.
PennDOT emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating that the bridge could collapse uncontrollably if not removed promptly. The demolition is expected to last until May 2025.
Area residents and recreation users are advised of the following restrictions:
- The week of February 24, the contractor will begin to move equipment and materials to the Skinners Falls New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) parking lot (Skinners Falls Parking Lot, Co Rd 44, Narrowsburg, NY 12764).
- Wednesday, February 26, work will begin on Skinners Falls W Road near the railroad crossing. Minor improvements to the roadway grade are necessary to accommodate construction equipment. The road will be useable and remain open during construction.
- The fishing access area and parking lot will not be accessible for public use during construction. Construction is anticipated to last until May 2025.
- Recreation users are directed to exit the river upstream at Damascus and re-enter the river downstream at Narrowsburg. River use will be restricted while construction activities are occurring. River users are strongly encouraged to avoid travelling and recreating under and around the Skinners Falls-Milanville Bridge.
- An Aids to Navigation Plan (ATON) for recreational river users to pass under the bridge is currently in effect, however buoys are not present because of river icing. Buoys and advisory signage will be installed in the river when the river is free of ice.
- A complete river closure in the vicinity of the bridge will be necessary during a portion of construction. Please check NPS Upper Delaware River website for river alerts.
- The area in and around the Skinners Falls Bridge will be fenced off for public safety. Public access will not be allowed for the duration of construction.
PennDOT never had any plans for the bridge other than this. It has consistently ignored or dismissed community input.
Most recently it has failed to respond to a letter of intent from Damascus Citizens For Sustainability proposing the purchase of the bridge and a path towards its future based on the judgment of engineers with a track record In the preservation of this kind of structure. Preservation is not part of PennDOT’s skill set.
And once again, taxpayer money is being spent. How much will this cost and who is benefiting?
The resistance will continue, and if the bridge comes down, PennDOT will be held accountable. There will be an investigation of the entire process. Wherever there is power and money there is corruption. PennDOT certainly has plenty of both.
This conduct by PennDOT is shameful and unacceptable. It was clear from the previous meeting that they were not open to exploring alternatives to the total demolition of this historic site. Their ongoing disregard for the community’s feedback and proposals reflects a lack of good faith.
If, or when, this bridge is out of sight, it will not be out of mind. PennDOT must be held responsible for their outrageous decisions.