Ramble Tamble debuted on September 3, 2003, and is named a CCR song which rambles in several different directions during its 7 minutes and 9 seconds. Americana Roots, Alt Country, Early Rock and Folk music are featured in the two hour show, but those are just starting points. No genre is ruled out.
Hosts: John Gordon & Claire Gierwatowski
Airs: Thursdays 7-9pm

In the words of John Gordon, host of the show, “I’m still new to the D.J. business. RambleTamble debuted on 9/10/03. I named the show after a CCR song which rambles in several different directions during its 7 minutes and 9 seconds. There is so much great music around in so many different genres that I would never want to rule anything out. I tend to lean toward Americana Roots, Alt Country, Early Rock and Folk, but those are just starting points. Working at WJFF and doing a music show brings me great joy. I have fun doing the show, and I hope you will have fun listening. Oh, by the way, I like to throw birthday parties on my show for people like T BoneBurnett, John Prine, Rick Nelson and Tom Waits to name a few.”
In the words of John Gordon, host of the show, “I’m still new to the D.J. business. RambleTamble debuted on 9/10/03. I named the show after a CCR song which rambles in several different directions during its 7 minutes and 9 seconds. There is so much great music around in so many different genres that I would never want to rule anything out. I tend to lean toward Americana Roots, Alt Country, Early Rock and Folk, but those are just starting points. Working at WJFF and doing a music show brings me great joy. I have fun doing the show, and I hope you will have fun listening. Oh, by the way, I like to throw birthday parties on my show for people like T BoneBurnett, John Prine, Rick Nelson and Tom Waits to name a few.”