More and more people in New York are upset with New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) over high bills. Many say they don’t understand why their bills have doubled or tripled, and they aren’t getting clear answers from NYSEG.
A public workshop is scheduled to be held at the Sullivan County Government Center, 100 North Street, Monticello, NY 12701, on February 27 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to discuss the issue.
The workshop, led by Assemblymember Paula Kay (D-100) and State Senator Peter Oberacker (R-51), will give customers a chance to ask questions and have their bills reviewed. “My office has been flooded with NYSEG bills from people asking for help,” Kay said. “It’s clear that usage has gone way up on many bills, and I don’t think cold weather is the only reason.”
Customers Share Frustration
People in different parts of the state are seeing massive increases in their electric bills. Cindy Hall, from Unadilla NY, said, “There were months when we didn’t get a bill at all, then suddenly we’d get a $3,000 bill. When I called, they’d tell me I didn’t owe anything, and then I’d get hit with a bill I couldn’t afford to pay.”
Hall has filed complaints with the Public Service Commission and even reached out to Elon Musk to find other energy options. But NYSEG hasn’t given her any real answers. “They told me, ‘This is your usage. Pay it or we shut off your electric,’” Hall said.
Ryan Holland, who lives south of Buffalo, is also frustrated. “I’ve seen my bill go from $300 to $500 to $710 in just a few months. And I don’t even use electric heating,” he said. Holland, who owns a propane business, mostly uses propane for heating and appliances. “I feel like I’m paying for premium electricity, but no one at NYSEG can explain why.”
In Sullivan County, Mario Dubovici has seen the same problem. “The bills have been crazy lately, sometimes 30-50% more month over month, even though my usage hasn’t changed,” he said. He thinks NYSEG’s new smart meters might have something to do with it, but the company says they don’t affect rates.
Julie James from Sidney, NY, and her husband, who receives rental assistance, are struggling with their NYSEG bill. “Our NYSEG bill has been over $500 since the winter started. The delivery charge alone is over $200. We’ve been sitting in our house in winter jackets since December because we cannot afford the bill,” she said. “Since December, with no heat on, our bill is still reading an insane amount of usage. My landlord and maintenance worker checked, and nothing else is running on our meters. We can see our breath inside our home, and still, there’s no change in our bill.”
Ralene Sabine from Madison County, who has lived in the same home for 13 years, shared a similar experience. “My normal winter bill runs under $400, but January’s bill was $516. Then February’s bill came, and it was $871.55—my heart sunk. My rent is only $25 more. NYSEG said customers would see a $10 per 600kWh increase, but that would only be about $60-70 extra for me, not more than double last year’s bill,” she explained. “I’ve had the same heating system for years. It doesn’t have a thermostat—it just heats bricks overnight and radiates warmth throughout the day. I haven’t changed anything, but my bill has skyrocketed.”
Karen Meneghin, who helps run the ‘My NYSEG Bill Doubled’ Facebook group, said the state needs to step in. “We have over 1,200 signatures on a petition calling for a statewide investigation. This isn’t just happening here—this is a problem across New York,” she said. “People shouldn’t have to choose between paying their electric bill and buying food.”
NYSEG says supply costs, a colder winter, and grid improvements are the reasons for the higher bills. But many people don’t buy that explanation. Lawmakers and customers are calling for an independent audit to see if these increases are really needed.
At the upcoming workshop, NYSEG President Patricia Nilsen is expected to address customer concerns, review bills, and check meters for customers who have extreme charges. Assemblymember Kay said she is going to keep pushing for answers. “NYSEG has promised that they will look into every bill we give them. But if this is a bigger issue, we need more action.”
NYSEG suggests customers reach out to their customer service team or look into budget billing programs here.
I have RGE and my bill has doubled in the last few months. I don’t understand why, I do know that they installed a new smart meter.
theirs your problem for one thing .I opted out of the smart meter ,except for the extra 15 dollar charge my bill stayed the same .
Yes so basically they force people to install them or else they have to pay another bullshit monthly charge for not doing so. I’m not forking over what’s almost an hour of work for another CB of us charge of Nysegs. I just got Heap and second month I was already owing them again. The assistance didn’t go very far. We’re out here trying to survive.
You can thank the Govenor and the Democrats. This is the green energy that doesn’t work. If it was reasonable i would welcome it but it doesn’t.NY is unaffordable. We shouldn’t have to pay for them to replace poles that should have been replaced over time. How do you like subsidising solar pannels in a place that has limited sun.Through these people out of office.
I understand clearly i went from 300.00 to 500.00 to 700.00 and i cal but no real answer just all bullshit and I’m not using my heat at all so why is my bill so jack up
Learn to spell, redneck. And this is a matter of corporate greed, not politics.
I live in cortland county and our bill is constantly going up and haven’t change anything I’m our home
I am in Wayne county on a set disabled income, my NYSEG bill went from $43 to $169 in a month, there is no way
I read where the smart meters not only record what you use but also Everything you have Plugged in wether your using it or not if it’s plugged in your being charged.When my husband passed they said I had to put the bill in my name.. OK.. before we paid $60-60 a month. After that I went up to $90-95. When questioned they said well your a NEW customer and you get a higher rate.. I told them”I’m the same person that’s been paying the bill since we moved here in the 90s. Then along came the smart Meter…. My bill is anywhere from $125-150. A month… I use propane… for everything.. heat, cooking, dryer, hot water tank… I use 1 light every night and I don’t watch tv til supper…
My electric bill is almost 3x higher than a regular wintertime bill used to be. For the 1st time since I’ve owned my home I requested a monthly budget which in itself is year round high. It has been since the smart meter installed.
theirs your problem for one thing .I opted out of the smart meter ,except for the extra 15 dollar charge my bill stayed the same .yuppers
My electric bill is triple I use to pay less than 413.i
Binghamton,N.Y. same in this highest bill last winter was approx.$375. My last two were 500 and 746 respectively. We don’t even use our heat except in the kitchen and bathroom because it is electric, but nothing has changed in our home except the skyrocketing bill.
My bill has doubled and I want answers immediately. This place has been stripping Americans of thier finances for years they need to be audited
Nyseg has almost tripled my bill already. I never used to pay over 110 a month for electirc in summer and 140 in winter my most recent bill was almost 400 this is ridiculous how can single parents afford to feed their families. I mean come on I work full-time and I barely make enough for food without my bills being higher than normal let alone almost triple
I have NYSEG. I only keep my thermostat on 58. I am freezing but I can’t afford Gand E. And afford groceries. BILL DOUBLED.
You are absolutely correctyou are absolutely correct. We are paying for those new meters
Mine have more than doubled and they also neglected to bill me (i’m on direct pay) for three months . I called and they said i should pay for the three months so i did . The next day they withdrew nov bill, dec bill (which included nov and dec) and january bill( which included nov.dec and jan cumulatively) and i’m still trying to get my money back.
It’s possible that the smart meters aren’t accurately reading usage. If a smarter is installed, leave the old meter connected and compair the readings
Nyseg took 2 of the same payment out of my account. My bill was 191. 48 so they took that amount twice. When I called I got the run around. After I asked to speak to a manager I was told “call the 21st of Feb. and request a refund. When I called they said ” there is no refund because your next bill generated and it was 355.85 so we deducted it from that and now you still owe us….” ,almost double my normal bill.
The new meters are controlled electronically by nyseg and say what nyseg tells them to say.
You can have them remove it, but will cost you about 14.00 a month. Thats better than 2 or 3 hundred.
My NYSEG bill went from 247 in Nov , 461 in Dec , 601 in Jan & now here is Feb & I got a NYSEG bill fa 820 … OUTRAGEOUS & RIDICULOUS SMH
Mine also went from 260 to 499 to 560 latest bill was 880. It makes no sense. Thru the summer we installed all new LED lights and had windows installed to cut down on the bills. We are paying 4 times more a month than what we were paying.
Something needs to be done about our Electric bills!!! My electric bill has doubled,I don’t heat with electric, we have done nothing different to make it go up so much. We have stopped doing what we can that uses electric. Please Help!!
Mine too, I turned my fridge down I unplug everything at night I went to Walmart and spent $12 on two packages of string solar lights. Put the end out the window hang them in your house you’ll have light all night.
My Electric and Gas has damn near tripled, and I am very frugal with my money. Everything that is not in use is unplugged and NYSEG has given no reasonable excuse. Mad as Hell!!!
I am on the budget plan. I knew my bill would go up for (Jan and Feb.) But from $67 a month to $325 is making no sense. I heat with propane, I cook with propane, I dry my cloths with propane. I also have and use my wood stove. I have a one bedroom home. One story. I do use a small electric heater in the bathroom when it gets below zero because I have water pipes that I don’t want to freeze.
I am retired and live on social security. My bills go up but my SSI doesn’t keep up with the cost of living. I didn’t work most of my life to live like this. I live in Washington county.
My NYSEG electric bill is 3xs higher than normal for just lights and refrigerator. No reason for the increase given. Pure theft, I cook and heat with wood thank God.
Same for me, heat with wood, barely cook and it doubled. I did notice the delivery charge was 95 and service charge was 70 so basically used 40 worth of energy, it’s outrageous!!! I reported them to the department of energy
My NYSEG electric his ubill is 3xs higher than normal for just lights and refrigerator. No reason for the increase given. Pure theft, I cook and heat with wood thank God.
Ours doubled like twice then tripled it’s ridiculous people on fixed income already have a hard time. My grandson just moved into an apt.has 3 rooms n paid 350 that’s awful for the young people too.
Green energy is driving the costs up. Blame Houchol and green agenda.
Nyseg is a business that makes a hefty profit off its customers.they are nothing but crooks and the govenors bullshit agenda isdoing nothing buy enriching nyseg,oh and of coarse those secret will find frsud throuhhout this whole si tuation
They robbbed 600 dollars fr me out of my surplus i had in budget.i am not done with thst
They cannot be truste
All meters from mow om need to be yearly certified for accuracy
They need to foot the bill and it needs to be conducted by a firm with no ties to nyseg
Oh theres more
Agree learn of the Higher agenda’s. Sounds good. Then you really. Really read it. And whelp. PLEASE read them! Esp if sounds Good! Or Smart! Double checking is always Good!
I am a single person, live in one bedroom apartment I don’t have a dishwasher, washer or dryer to run .. I my heat at 66, I am tried of being cold inside my home. And my bill electric bill use to be around $50 ish now it’s over $200 ish a month this just isn’t right, how do they expect people to live and survive I feel bad for people on a fixed income
Our electric bill was the highest this month then we have ever paid!!!! We have lived here for over 30 years and never paid this much! We have oil and a pellet stove. What is going on!!! We all have to do something. This is ridiculous!!!
I live in an apartment building surrounded by elderly people. I have never turned my heat on at all this winter.. I gone all day long and only have tv on at night in my little 500 sq. Ft apartment and my nyseg bill is over 500.00. It makes no sense.
Larry Harrison I am 78 yrs old I first received a bill for.800.00 dollars. The next week I received a bill for 2,800 dollars that I owed for back payment, from April 16 2024 to the present date February 27, 2025 I have paid NYSEG 4,500 dollars, my theory is NYSEG is trying to make the customers pay for the costumers they loss from covid 19 and this is not fair, the 4,500 dollars I can prove it with canceled checks from my chase account.
I have con ed and I’m in Westchester. They said mine went up because I used more electric to heat my house but I have a furnace and use oil not electric heat and they can’t refund me the money and couldn’t give me any explanation why. It went up 3x the regular amount.
You need to sign up with an energy supplier and not use the default one (Con Ed). You can get a fixed rate contract. We did this and our Con Ed bill for Dec was just over $200. Jan was $248, and Feb was under $300. We heat with a geothermal system (3 zones) and are so thankful. Our oil bills 2 years ago for those months were almost $700 for Dec, over $700 for Jan, and almost $800 for Feb.
I have lived in my home about 9 years now have had pools hot tubs etc. And never had a bill over $200.00 the past 1year and a half I’ve had bills from 300 to 900 back to 500 then 800. My last bill was 469.89. And have NOT changed a single thing in my home and have less then before. No pool no hot tub. No nothing. My heat is fuel oil and my cook stove is propane. Where can they be getting these numbers from. I have called multiple times. Even got them to come give my home a inspection per NYSEG inspector and fou d no problems. Hired an outside electric company to go threw my house and find any issues. NONE. We as customers need answers! Immediately!
I am so sick of nys that I would move if it wasn’t for my husband. We heat with wood and ours took a jump!!
Our bill went from 289.00 to 700.00! I’ve lived here almost 20yrs…never had bills this high!! Totally ridiculous 🙄
My bills are never over $200 I was just hit with a $950 bill. We are always under 1300 KWH this bill was for 5055 KWH. Explain to me how as nothing has changed at my house in the last 8 years. This is unreal and something needs to be done about this. Having to choose from putting food on the table or having electricity should not be an issue to decide but with having these skyrocket bills for absolutely no reason. Now because you can’t afford to buy groceries like normal you have to eat peanut butter and jelly and ramen noodles because it’s what you can afford when you have to use 2 paychecks to pay one bill. Please we are all begging you to dig deep into this and give us all relief from this nonsense. This should not be our responsibility to pay these high bills.
I’m going through same thing 200 monthly to 840 this isn’t right!!
It has nothing to do with smart meters. I have lived here for over 25 yrs my bill has never been over 250 and that was with kids and stay atchome mom.i am now single hardly ever home because I work alot and my bill is now over 700 dollars it does not add up and I heat with oil soo someone please make sense of this for me!!!!!! I do not have a smart meter!
I have called to make a payment and told one amount then get a bill for a higher amount. My bill’s average $100.oo to$150.00 last winter I just paid a bill for $348.31 . This month the bill is 148.41 how does it go up and down so much? New meter?
My bill went from 189.00 to now 500 this month. We are looking into some solar panels that way we cannot be held hostage by this unscrupulous company. It’s ridiculous in the same house for 37 years. Wood heat is looking better and better also.
Our bill went from 200 to 536 can’t wait to get the next one hope they send lube with it
There are only two people living in my house we are both over seventy years old we keep the thermostat at 65 all winter and my bill was $1052.00dollars my second bill is $689.00
Please tell me why they are legally allowed to ESTIMATE my bill?? Every single time it is at least 50% higher than it should be !! Over $200 for 500 SQ FT???
ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! They should never be allowed to do this …. We have no way to oversee them for accuracy or choose another provider! ENOUGH ALREADY!
I have 2 bills and they bothe tripled. Maybe we should ask why Nysef is owned by Spain. I don’t know if it would help to have it owned locally but I’d feel better!
My electric bill average from $ 300.00 -$400.00 winter usage. This month $750.00. It’s ridiculous living in the same house over 8 years. NYSEG needs to fix how people can apply for HEAP. The only way you can get a payment applied is to be in a final termination. The process is to long, and they can’t even generate letters. Get it together!! This should not be our responsibility. Fix this problem immediately.
This company needs to be investigated. We are forced into “smart” meters, now all of these complaints about high bills. Sounds like a scam to me! Plus, why is a Spanish company allowed to own our electric grid? We are just paying for all of the idiots in management at a public utility monopoly. If they had any kind of competition, they would have folded generations ago.
We have gas heat so the colder weather doesn’t have a reflect of our bill increase it’s been the same electric usage on our bill is practically the same and our bill is 3 times normal from a year ago this time and 2 years ago also and we are in chemung county NY
Our NYSEG bill is consistent every month before this increase. We always paid on the average monthly about 300.00 a month and we don’t have anything that uses electricity except for our Refrigerator. We use propane for cooking and hot water and we heat with wood. And now our bill has jumped up this month to over 500.00 and it’s hard to figure out how to pay everything when you only get Social Security and you have bills , food , medicine, and other expenses to cover for the month and this is just crazy for NYSEG to raise the rates like this when we all have so much to worry about. I hope they end up owing us all money because there is no reason for this increase. Maybe we can get Elon Musk or Donald Trump to fix this situation like they have been fixing all the other issues they claim where they are saving us money by disrupting everyone’s lives and leaving them with no jobs !! Maybe they can get through to NYSEG and get answers to our questions???
The parent company of NYSEG is Avangrid. A simple search for Avangrid executive compensation will lead you to a page showing the MILLIONS of dollars they pay themselves while getting approval from the “Public Service Commission” and by extension… the governor…… to jack up both delivery charges and supply charges …. and then add on an extra surcharge on top of that. The CEO’s compensation went from $4 1/2 million in 2022 to over $10 million in 2023 …. 2024 isn’t listed yet……. and he’s only one of the executives getting rich off our utility bills… so much for protecting the public from predatory price gouging monopolies.
That is ridiculous. This is reason in case they can my post.
I do know what is going on. I had someone from DSS explain it to me. If you look at your bill, you will see your actual amount for electric, gas etc. Where the bill is raised is the delivery fees. Our delightful Governor Hochul gave the companies free reign to charge whatever they want for delivery. There is no longer a controlled rate. I don’t see where she is doing anything great to help us New Yorkers. She’s originally from Buffalo and now Albany, in both cases, we can’t afford it.
Do a search on ignacio galan, the company’s top guy in Spain. He was busted for something very shady years ago. ” investigated” by his own company and they found nothing. They really think the public is that stupid!? So, the corruption begins at the top and filters down. Down to the lazy union workers always parked at the same restaurant for hours. We pay for it all !
Yes my electric bills have been insane. They didn’t charge me for over a month and then all of ansidden I owed 1700. I called them today and I’m on budget billing which is still 567 per month bc they are over estimating my use saying I amusing 5800 kwh per month! I asked how this is possible and I get the same bs that it’s colder weather and increased supply charged and when I told them this happened after the new smart meter they quickly denied that it could ever be caused by that. I then asked well could someone come out and look at it and I am told no
Everytine I ask to speak to a manager I get told I can only get a call back and then no one calls me back. When my budge bill ends next month I owe $2900 on top of the 567 I paid every month for a 2 person home. The govt needs to step up and do something about this im.loiking to move out of ny state nc I’m sick of all the insane fees between electricity, school taxes and property tax increases in this state it’s a joke
Normal bill is 200-300 a month. Winter goes up to 450 normally. This year after smart meters had a 700 dollar bill in January and a 1500 dollar bill in February.
My bill has gone from around 225 to almost 600! Can’t wait for the next one next week. I’m on a fixed income, have Cancer, heart and lung problems. I take a bunch of medicine, and now trying to figure out what to pay, and what has to wait, like food, other bills and meds
I do know what is going on. I had someone from DSS explain it to me. If you look at your bill, you will see your actual amount for electric, gas etc. Where the bill is raised is the delivery fees. Our delightful Governor Hochul gave the companies free reign to charge whatever they want for delivery. There is no longer a controlled rate. I don’t see where she is doing anything great to help us New Yorkers. She’s originally from Buffalo and now Albany, in both cases, we can’t afford it.
I live in cortland county and our bill is constantly going up and haven’t change anything I’m our home
My bill went from $300 to $900 in one month!! How is this possible? This is price gouging and NYSEG and governor Hochul are taking advantage of hard working people! This is is disgraceful and we need to get together and fight this!!!!
We live in west Lauren’s and our bill went from $120 a month to over $1,000 a month only two people in the house and before there was over 10 people with a bill at only $120 it’s an impossible bill to pay and they are completely overcharging us I’ve called to have the meter replaced I’ve called to figure out what’s going on I get told they will come replace it and get told I’ll get a call back. Well… that never happens today I’m going to call for the I don’t even know how many time I’ve had to call their customer service at this point I’m about to switch electric company’s or even shut off my whole house and only use the fireplace then let’s see what they want to charge me with absolutely nothing running.
My budget billing amount went from about $125 to $345. They said they adjust budget billing amounts every 3 months. No new meter yet either. NYSEG is as crooked as they come.
I’m up over 600%,lived here over 20 years,even when I had a bad door seal never this high.1bedroom apt,$325 heat on 60,yes electric,no lights nothing on until I get home from work,1 light and TV or pc that’s it.rediculus.their straight up ripping people off and you can do nothing about it.
Lived in the same house since May 2012 in Bing NY. My husband and myself. I have oil for heat, and propane for my hot water and stove. Electric is all i have with NYSEG. Budge was $72/mo in 2012, $87 in 2013,$110 in 2014 $122 in 2015, $146 in 2016, $154 in 2017, and now it is $221. AND.. I got hit with $1,136.00 bill that I now have to add additional $100 to my bill each month for the next 12 months. THIS IS ONLY FOR LIGHTS,(I just bought brand new appliances)and the heating system was new when I bought the house in 2012. THIS IS LUDICROUS!! NYSEG should be ashamed taking advantage knowing people have to havd electric for everything to function. In addition, the electricity has gone out cou tless times for hours at a time and in April of 2022 we were without power from Monday evening until Thursday after 3 pm. Somebody has to do something. My mortgage isnt as much as the bill they just sent me. Where do we go for relief??.
My bill went from 80 to close to 400 per month. I don’t have the smart meter yet and for the summer months they estimated the bill. So I waited for Jan bill and it was still close to 400. I have on demand hot water which is propane. My range and dinky heat all run on propane do I’m not sure how my bill is that high. I know my delivery charge is majority of the bill. I don’t know how they could do that.
You are not alone it is happening in Hannibal Missouri our board of public works since December slammed us with high bills even one sent to to the a empty apartment with no one living there they are giving multiple excuses and even planned rates hike 300 for a vacant apartment is nuts
I live in Endicott ny and I pay an average of $192.00 a month in the winter, my bill came in for this month at $731.83. This is outrageous. Someone needs to make NYSEG accountable for this and reimburse us for being overcharged.
I am 68 yr old retired nurse with cancer,on fixed income. My bill went from 148 a moth to 646 dollars for only 19 days in jan.I am forced to go back to work even tho my health is in question,I can’t afford to move my 3 room apartment rent is 1250 a month if I pay NYSeG I have nothing left,I’m tired don’t know how everyone is handling this
I live in a little town called Bath,NY. My NYSEG bill is absolutely ridiculous. Last year at this time, I lived in a 2500 square foot home. I had electric hot water, s wood pellet stove and my grandson’s in the garage all the time working on something. My bill then was around 150. My home was destroyed in August by a flood and I’m living in my 30 ft camper. And my bill is $400.00 . I would like someone to explain to me how. When I’m only hooked up toa 30amp system.
This Electric RGE is way out of control people who are on fixed income cannot pay these kind of bills. We will lose are homes ,how sad know where to turn and NO help at meters my ass.
It is NOT just the smart meters. I have lived in my home in Wayne County for 13 years. I have the residential day/night meter that was here when I moved in, and didn’t even know there were other options. Once I saw the rates increasing and people talking about the concerns with the smart meters and the lower rates of the residential straight rates, I called NYSEG and opted out of the smart meter before they install it ($13.49 per month charge to do so), and requested they switch to the residential straight rate, as that rate is currently quite a bit lower per kwh than the day/night. They said they require we lock into a 12 month agreement to do so, and we have no choice but to switch, as it’s the only way we can currently try to lower the outrageous bill, but we fear that they will suddenly skyrocket that rate next, even higher than the day/night rate, and we will be screwed even more than now!!! Is this their game?….. Make people think it’s the smart meter so they can collect the monthly fees to opt out, and then raise the day/night rate to force people to switch to the straight rate which requires them install a new meter, so they can lock those customers into an even higher rate for 12 months? I can’t help but wonder!!!…….
I am on a monthly budget plan which is reassessed every year, and went up to $293 per month in November to account for the $900 balance I had remaining after 2024. Not a big deal, that’s still affordable although it goes up every year so was unsure if why the $900 balance. But didn’t look into it because again, that is a pretty typical process. I don’t complain unless it’s a very unjust issue. However, I noticed a couple weeks ago that I have a 1k balance already, after paying $600 in budget payments. I then saw that my bills for January and February have been almost $900 each month. We have electric heat, however do not use it except for a couple small spaces, and when I reviewed all my past year’s usage, it was only 150kwh more than 2024 for those two months of usage. Which makes sense, as it’s been a frigid winter. BUT …the cost of the delivery rate alone is more than my budget payment is, at $400 per month, and the supply charges skyrocketed and now my electric bill is more than my monthly mortgage payment is!!! A normal winter, I would have a $300 bill, and it is TRIPLED with the same usage reported on all the bills that we have used over the last 13 years! THIS IS INSANE! Why isn’t anyone helping us from the State or Federal government? And no, NYSEG assistance programs are NOT the answer, as most of us do not qualify for the jokingly low household income cap, and even if people do qualify, many receive a small benefit. How will $47 a month in assistance help here? Not to mention, HEAP and other programs RUN OUT OF FUNDS after a certain point in the season when funds are no longer available. No one can, or SHOULD have to pay triple electric bills every month that force us to choose to pay rent/mortgage, turn heat off and freeze in 10 degrees temperature, or not be able to feed our families because we need to choose between food or electric this month. We are middle class Americans, in NYS, and being forced to live like the poor or go homeless because of sketchy rate hike approvals made by those whom should be protecting us, and because our state government is not stepping up and protecting their citizens! NYC is their only focus while the rest of our state is expected to deal with the repercussions, and the fact that this has been happening for weeks and no one is helping PROVES IT! We are not complaining about little rate hikes here!!!!!!! These are triple a normal bill that already was expensive enough at $300…but now suddenly $900? For the same usage?! With the same meter I always have had?!!!!
Our bill has doubled with the new smart meter.
It is not just the smart meters! I opted out of that and still have the original meter. Budget was at $258 because I wanted to avoid all their every other month estimated usage, with the next month getting a supposed credit. They have done that for years and those estimates are so out of balance with the previous usage. Budget be damned…my bill was almost $900 . The supply charges were more than a budget payment alone. Someone needs to step in and help us, but so far even the meetings people said is a waste of time.
screw Nyseg… time for a class action lawsuit.. you’re going down
I have watched my bills since dec just go up and up, Dec I owed 608, Jan 743 and now Feb 1079 how is my electric more then my mortgage? I can’t pay it. It’s just me and my son here. I am now installing a pellet stove and shutting all my electric heat off. This is not how life is supposed to be. I cannot afford to live anymore and my home is only 1200 sq feet. I have had an audit done on my house and an electrician check everything. Nothing is bad.
I have an apartment building with 5 units. When they are empty, I have NYSEG service put the bill in my name to keep very low heat on during the winter. The bill for an empty apartment has always been around $40. The current bill, for one of the apartments, has tripled with no one living there. I don’t have the smart meters on this building. When the weather gets warmer, I will have the service turned off entirely. What is happening with NYSEG is a crime. Endicott, NY.
We need President Trump to take care of this as no one else will!! Land taxes are to high as well.
I live in Sullivan County and my bill has tripled. The delivery charges are more than the charges for electricity. I don’t use the heat during the day, we have a pellet stove. At night the thermostats are set at 60, 1 bathroom we don’t use has no heat on and the master bathroom is set at 60. The 2 bdrms we don’t use never have the heat on. Went to HEAP for help and they didn’t even give us enough for 1 month. We are both disabled and now between rent and electricity there’s no money left for food or my medications. Gov Hopeless is just that, Hopeless.
Nys wonders why everyone is leaving the state nobody can afford to live here anymore. My home is occupied by 2 people we shut the bedroom doors of the unoccupied rooms we very seldom have lights on we put candles n the windows.Our bill went from 42.00 behind then the next month went to 429.00 now it’s 926.00 behind on top of budget.No new meter yet! NYS sucks !
I received an $1017 bill for a vacant home , my bill has been $25 or lower . We just purchased the home last spring , it was vacant then and still vacant now . There aren’t even appliances in the home because we are renovating . They said they mischarged us for the years of use … we didn’t own home that long for these charges nor is anyone there using electric or heating … NYSEG is scamming and hurting New Yorkers just because they can. This must stop.
I received an $1017 bill for a vacant home , my bill has been $25 or lower . We just purchased the home last spring , it was vacant then and still vacant now . There aren’t even appliances in the home because we are renovating . They said they mischarged us for the years of use … we didn’t own home that long for these charges nor is anyone there using electric or heating … NYSEG is scamming and hurting New Yorkers just because they can. This must stop.
Updated all appliances , run led lights , turn off all extras and had received a bill for 800 in August . Was clocked 3000 extra kWh that month??? Called and got run around of course. Everyone I know is seeing skyrocketing bills and using same draw of rogue unexplainable usage. Just had smat meter installed , can’t wait for the impact. Where is the recourse for the consumer?