As we’ve been reporting, NYSEG and other electricity customers have experienced dramatic spikes in their electric bills this winter, with some seeing their costs double or even triple.
Some NYSEG customers have taken drastic measures in recent months to combat sky-high energy bills: unplugging every appliance before bed, layering up instead of turning the thermostat above 60, and even turning off the heat entirely.
Radio Catskill’s newest reporter Kimberly Izar spoke to some of these customers about how they are coping with the unexpectedly high bills.
Local state representatives Assembly member Paula Kay and Sen. Peter Oberacker have advised customers in their districts to reach out to their offices for questions or concerns.
New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E) say the true drivers of high bills this winter season include soaring supply rates caused by energy generating companies along with increase household usage. NYSEG and RG&E urge customers to take advantage of a variety of assistance programs to avoid falling behind on bills and disconnections.
- NYSEG: visit or call 888.315.1755
- RG&E: visit or call 877.266.3492
This should be covered in mainstream media.
One more sad story from New Yorkers – we need more action from NY Governor Hochul not ‘congestion pricing’ We have more real problems from real New Yorkers
It’s stunning how thousands of people are experiencing double, triple, quadruple electric bills and NYSEG’s response is “that’s how much power you’ve used, now pay it or get on government assistance to pay it”. NYSEG thinks their customers are idiots. There’s alot of chatter about a class-action lawsuit starting and I will be on it.
I have already threatened to sue them over the phone and they adjusted my bill by 250 dollars if that lawsuit comes into fruition please reach out to me
I’m in…, just me and my spouse… both on SS and useage more than tripled….
Highway robbery, we all need to heat our homes with pellet stoves and fireplaces. Nobody in government gives a damn if people have what they need to live as long as taxes are paid and the upper crust has their yachts and mansions.
Please keep me informed..I have been putting info out and sharing with everybody in my area.. Our Senator Pam Helming is well aware and she sent me the proposals that they were trying to get into legislation..
I will not turn my heat up pass 63, layer up. I also use no electric lights in any rooms at night. I use the led lights and are in each room. They are motion activated. I also do my laundry at night. Up to go potty, put in the wash, up again, move to dryer. But, everybody in the home has to be on board. Our elective officials, have to do better. It’s sad that families have to struggle to pay this monthly bill.
George Kolmel. It’s sad when your Electric bill costs are as high as you fuel oil bill to heat your home. Why are we getting billed twice a month .I got a bill due 3/14 for 148.00 yesterday I received another bill due 134/00 due 3/27 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.? !!!
I got 3 charges in one month for 3 months
Auto draw too! When I called got bs that it was from late payment from solar company to them. I had him check and it turns out I am not even a solar customer. I said shouldn’t one month of 3 payments have caught me up if that WERE the reason? Next month my bill showed I was $25 dollars ahead of my budget balance. This month I’m showing $357 due over budget payment of $247. INSANE that they are so incompetent and mismanaged. Robbing us!!
So many people are complaining about the rate hikes, but has anyone looked at their bills from last year. The new smart meters are recording more than double the KW’s from my last year’s bills. I heat with gas, we have one less person living with us and our bills have more than doubled since they installed the smart meter. Something is wrong!
I heard a conversation recorded between a customer and NG. He was asking about the new smart meters. She said the new meters can determine every use of an outlet so even if you don’t have a light or a toaster oven being used, it can determine that they’re plugged in. She said everything uses power even when not plugged in and that’s why the bills are raising….is it true? Who knows!!
Yes sense smart meters were installed my bill has tripled ive never had a bill over 185.oo in 3 years now it’s been 400.00 amonth for 2 months know smh.
Well when the employees at nyseg’s are getting literally thousands of dollars in bonuses yearly that tends to fall on the customers 100%. I personally know someone that gets ridiculous amounts of money for bonuses and its crazy they are rolling in money when we are suffering paying way too much for a necessity. This should definitely be looked into!
So I recently started service with RG&E.
They added my late mother’s account to my account to the tune of $5,871.00.
Keep in mind that all throughout Winter my furnace has not worked. It is non functioning/functional.
I have absolutely considered filing a lawsuit against them. It is absolutely disgusting. I would certainly entertain anyone who would want to file a suit jointly. This is the very definition of insanity that they are allowed to abuse people or get away with this.
So I recently started service with RG&E.
They added my late mother’s account to my account to the tune of $5,871.00.
Keep in mind that all throughout Winter my furnace has not worked. It is non functioning/functional.
I have absolutely considered filing a lawsuit against them. It is absolutely disgusting. I would certainly entertain anyone who would want to file a suit jointly. This is the very definition of insanity that they are allowed to abuse people or get away with this.
don’t know ,what were supoze to do..our electricity doubled since those new,meters,was put i
Time to leave the State of New York. F____ the governor and NYSEG.
When they came to put the smart meter at our home, I asked questions. The man said you can refuse having the meter, and have the Old meter put back in. The company will charge an extra 15 dollars a month for a reader to come out and read it. I did not know at that time was a smarter way to go.
Might be worth looking into a propane generator. Kick these power companies right in the wallet.