Tonight on The Local Edition 9/3/21 at 6:30 p.m.
–Live with Barry Lewis
“Back to School”
Twice a month, we check in with Barry Lewis…He has a column in the Times Herald-Record that comes out every other Sunday…
This week…he will be talking about going back to school.
If you have a child, you know how the first day of school can be, as Barry Lewis says, a gut-wrenching moment that every parent, guardian or grandparent faces.
–Kathleen Anderson, DVAA
“Tuning Compositional Strategies”
Kathleen Anderson is an artist, drummer, and certified Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner living and working in upstate New York in a homemade house from reclaimed materials.
Kathleen has a new show going on now at the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance and it runs until Sept 19 called “Tuning Compositional Strategies”
All this and more on The Local Edition, Community News for the Catskills, and Northeast Pennsylvania.
Weekdays at 6:30 p.m. on Radio Catskill
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